In the heart of a mystical forest, a humanoid warlock with white long hair and glowing green flames rages, its head buried in its chest. This is not anything but a haunting sight. Clad in a top, this combatant gazes deeply into the viewer, while her black green demonic wings are resting on her back. As the rain falls down from the ceiling, she casts a shadow on her inner face, casting a spell, the right side, and the right side of her body. The scene is bathed in a golden light that casts an otherworldly glow over the landscape.
In the heart of a mystical forest, a humanoid warlock with white long hair and glowing green flames rages, its head buried in its chest. This is not anything but a haunting sight. Clad in a top, this combatant gazes deeply into the viewer, while her black green demonic wings are resting on her back. As the rain falls down from the ceiling, she casts a shadow on her inner face, casting a spell, the right side, and the right side of her body. The scene is bathed in a golden light that casts an otherworldly glow over the landscape.