in the midst of a desolate underground prison, a young mother in black cold coat and her daughter in pink cold coat crouche across an empty chair, clutching torches on the shelves. The scene is deafening, and the faint sound of humping machinery fills the air. Suddenly, the woman in pink cold coat grunts and kneels into the air, her eyes closed in agony while a cry echoes through the peaceful hall. The scene is filled with the hum of sadness and the rustle of metal.
in the midst of a desolate underground prison, a young mother in black cold coat and her daughter in pink cold coat crouche across an empty chair, clutching torches on the shelves. The scene is deafening, and the faint sound of humping machinery fills the air. Suddenly, the woman in pink cold coat grunts and kneels into the air, her eyes closed in agony while a cry echoes through the peaceful hall. The scene is filled with the hum of sadness and the rustle of metal.