In a prehistoric world, a young woman with long, curly hair and a dark smile gazes intently at her cloak. Her eyes gleam with an intense emotion as she pulls up, revealing herself as an elderly woman. She begins to grow and grow, her body held steady with an adult. Her face is contorted in concentration, her eyes closed, and her eyes, filled with despair and wonder, are filled with her feelings of abandonment. The beauty of this wondrous world is both eerie and terrifying, as it becomes clear that every creature within her is one who will not regret her sins.
In a prehistoric world, a young woman with long, curly hair and a dark smile gazes intently at her cloak. Her eyes gleam with an intense emotion as she pulls up, revealing herself as an elderly woman. She begins to grow and grow, her body held steady with an adult. Her face is contorted in concentration, her eyes closed, and her eyes, filled with despair and wonder, are filled with her feelings of abandonment. The beauty of this wondrous world is both eerie and terrifying, as it becomes clear that every creature within her is one who will not regret her sins.