"A magical girl stands in a soft pink puffy coat, her wrists bound by heavy chains that clink softly with every movement. The chains are adorned with glowing runes, signifying the magical energy they suppress. Her expression is a mix of determination and vulnerability, her wide eyes reflecting a flicker of hope despite her confinement. The juxtaposition of her vibrant attire against the cold metal of the chains creates a striking image of power restrained, hinting at the magic that still lies within her."
"A magical girl stands in a soft pink puffy coat, her wrists bound by heavy chains that clink softly with every movement. The chains are adorned with glowing runes, signifying the magical energy they suppress. Her expression is a mix of determination and vulnerability, her wide eyes reflecting a flicker of hope despite her confinement. The juxtaposition of her vibrant attire against the cold metal of the chains creates a striking image of power restrained, hinting at the magic that still lies within her."