The magical sight of a glowing orb hovers above a starry sky, its wings spread wide as it hovers evoking a serene and lullaby atmosphere. Perched on its body is a mesmerizing instrument, and its scales shimmer with a shimmering light. The air is thick with the scent of lavender and jasmine, and the sound of the crescent moon fills the nighttime, as if the world itself is a relic of its own world.
The magical sight of a glowing orb hovers above a starry sky, its wings spread wide as it hovers evoking a serene and lullaby atmosphere. Perched on its body is a mesmerizing instrument, and its scales shimmer with a shimmering light. The air is thick with the scent of lavender and jasmine, and the sound of the crescent moon fills the nighttime, as if the world itself is a relic of its own world.