In the heart of the historic Campo Baeza, a bustling community comes alive with activity - a unique sight - this simple sports center in the vibrant red, orange and yellow sports arena is illuminated by the warm glow of the setting sun. Trees, at the left side, tower over the perimeter of the plaza, adding a futuristic touch to the urban landscape. On the rooftop, a gleaming metal structure and skylights dance at the base of the building, adding a dynamic touch to the scene. The sports center is a tribute to the strength and power of sport, a testament to the fusion of sports and sports in its architecture.
Edifício Público,Futurista 15,Neve,Sustentabilidade Natural,Centros de Exposições e Convenções,Design de Jardim
In the heart of the historic Campo Baeza, a bustling community comes alive with activity - a unique sight - this simple sports center in the vibrant red, orange and yellow sports arena is illuminated by the warm glow of the setting sun. Trees, at the left side, tower over the perimeter of the plaza, adding a futuristic touch to the urban landscape. On the rooftop, a gleaming metal structure and skylights dance at the base of the building, adding a dynamic touch to the scene. The sports center is a tribute to the strength and power of sport, a testament to the fusion of sports and sports in its architecture.
Edifício Público,Futurista 15,Neve,Sustentabilidade Natural,Centros de Exposições e Convenções,Design de Jardim