In the heart of the city, a mesmerizing skyline takes shape, decorated with colorful lights and fluffy toys. In this futuristic scene, a Snowflake cloak and white dress stand out against a backdrop of snow-covered windows. The cloak, also painted a bright red, is adorned with silver scales to match its floppy ears. The room is cozy and inviting, with a spooky light casting a warm glow over the scene. It's as if the universe is awe-inspiring and mysterious, as if the entire atmosphere is alive through the soft chirping of birds.
Anime Tradicional,Caixa de areia,Contos de Fadas Sombrios,Dragão
In the heart of the city, a mesmerizing skyline takes shape, decorated with colorful lights and fluffy toys. In this futuristic scene, a Snowflake cloak and white dress stand out against a backdrop of snow-covered windows. The cloak, also painted a bright red, is adorned with silver scales to match its floppy ears. The room is cozy and inviting, with a spooky light casting a warm glow over the scene. It's as if the universe is awe-inspiring and mysterious, as if the entire atmosphere is alive through the soft chirping of birds.
Anime Tradicional,Caixa de areia,Contos de Fadas Sombrios,Dragão