Convide Amigos e Ganhe Moedas Gratuitas para Ambos
an instructor stands at the front of a classroom in the background, in the foreground is a board with three back rows and one that contains papers with colorful lines
Students in a classroom learning they are facing the board and the teacher is teaching standing in front
Fotografia-Fotografia Documental 14
Vista Lateral,Tentativa Distante,Plano Médio Longo,Vista de Ângulo Amplo,Plano Detalhe,Foto de Corpo Inteiro,Panorama,Vista de Ângulo Baixo,Vista Aérea
an instructor stands at the front of a classroom in the background, in the foreground is a board with three back rows and one that contains papers with colorful lines
Students in a classroom learning they are facing the board and the teacher is teaching standing in front
Fotografia-Fotografia Documental 14
Vista Lateral,Tentativa Distante,Plano Médio Longo,Vista de Ângulo Amplo,Plano Detalhe,Foto de Corpo Inteiro,Panorama,Vista de Ângulo Baixo,Vista Aérea