As a fierce battle of a new world begins, amidst the abyss a sea of sand, a myriad of battles unfold before us. Amidst the barren desert, a powerful steed gallops through the city, propelling it through the tight winds with precision. The sun casts long shadows across the concrete jungle, adding a sense of awe and mystery to the scene. The air is thick with the scent of saltwater and the sound of rushing water can be heard in the distance. Regardless of his majesty, this epic battlefield comes to a standstill, waiting to be fought.
As a fierce battle of a new world begins, amidst the abyss a sea of sand, a myriad of battles unfold before us. Amidst the barren desert, a powerful steed gallops through the city, propelling it through the tight winds with precision. The sun casts long shadows across the concrete jungle, adding a sense of awe and mystery to the scene. The air is thick with the scent of saltwater and the sound of rushing water can be heard in the distance. Regardless of his majesty, this epic battlefield comes to a standstill, waiting to be fought.