In a magical meadow filled with wildflowers, a mighty figure known as Lady Liberty marches towards a giant castle made entirely of silver. As he passes by a group of castlegoers, they notice that the figure's face is lined with silver coins. They all take their positions to the side of the castle, leaving behind a trail of dust and dust, but the castle remains steadfast, its walls crumbling and now covered in a scar-like veil. The stars twinkle in the sky, and the hilt is thick with the utmost respect. The villain, a lanky wizard with a mischievous grin, stands before him with his head held high.
In a magical meadow filled with wildflowers, a mighty figure known as Lady Liberty marches towards a giant castle made entirely of silver. As he passes by a group of castlegoers, they notice that the figure's face is lined with silver coins. They all take their positions to the side of the castle, leaving behind a trail of dust and dust, but the castle remains steadfast, its walls crumbling and now covered in a scar-like veil. The stars twinkle in the sky, and the hilt is thick with the utmost respect. The villain, a lanky wizard with a mischievous grin, stands before him with his head held high.