"A lively illustration of two Afro-Asian siblings, Heni and Heri, in a playful soccer scene. Heni, a 10-year-old girl with curly shoulder-length black hair tied in a messy ponytail, is wearing an oversized soccer jersey and shorts, with slightly too-big soccer shoes. She has a mischievous smile and a confident pose, holding a soccer ball. Heri, her 12-year-old brother, has slightly taller stature, short curly black hair, and is wearing a simple T-shirt and sporty shorts, looking amused and slightly exasperated. The background is a sunny village soccer field with tropical trees and a small wooden house visible."
"A lively illustration of two Afro-Asian siblings, Heni and Heri, in a playful soccer scene. Heni, a 10-year-old girl with curly shoulder-length black hair tied in a messy ponytail, is wearing an oversized soccer jersey and shorts, with slightly too-big soccer shoes. She has a mischievous smile and a confident pose, holding a soccer ball. Heri, her 12-year-old brother, has slightly taller stature, short curly black hair, and is wearing a simple T-shirt and sporty shorts, looking amused and slightly exasperated. The background is a sunny village soccer field with tropical trees and a small wooden house visible."