After the murder of Aunt May, Peter Parker (Spider-Man) embarks on a dark path of vengeance against the criminal underworld. His journey leads him to cross paths with John Wick, a legendary assassin who understands Peter's pain but warns him about the cost of revenge. As Peter’s sense of morality is tested, he begins using his web-slinging skills in lethal ways, targeting the same organization that betrayed Wick. Together, they must dismantle a global network of killers while grappling with their inner demons, questioning whether redemption is possible for those who take justice into their own hands.
After the murder of Aunt May, Peter Parker (Spider-Man) embarks on a dark path of vengeance against the criminal underworld. His journey leads him to cross paths with John Wick, a legendary assassin who understands Peter's pain but warns him about the cost of revenge. As Peter’s sense of morality is tested, he begins using his web-slinging skills in lethal ways, targeting the same organization that betrayed Wick. Together, they must dismantle a global network of killers while grappling with their inner demons, questioning whether redemption is possible for those who take justice into their own hands.