A futuristic shopping and relaxation hub in Antarctica, designed as a self-contained, single-story oasis amidst the vast icy plains. The building is circular, with a large central courtyard featuring an indoor garden of hardy Arctic plants and a small thermal pool surrounded by seating. The exterior is clad in reflective panels that mimic the surrounding snow, with LED accents that glow softly in the dark polar nights. Inside, the mall includes a mix of retail stores, research supply shops, and cafes serving warm drinks and meals, all arranged around the central courtyard. The walls are adorned with art installations inspired by Antarctic wildlife and landscapes. Energy-efficient heating, solar panels, and wind turbines power the facility, ensuring minimal environmental impact. The render captures a twilight scene, with the glowing building standing out as a warm refuge in the endless expanse of snow and ice.
A futuristic shopping and relaxation hub in Antarctica, designed as a self-contained, single-story oasis amidst the vast icy plains. The building is circular, with a large central courtyard featuring an indoor garden of hardy Arctic plants and a small thermal pool surrounded by seating. The exterior is clad in reflective panels that mimic the surrounding snow, with LED accents that glow softly in the dark polar nights. Inside, the mall includes a mix of retail stores, research supply shops, and cafes serving warm drinks and meals, all arranged around the central courtyard. The walls are adorned with art installations inspired by Antarctic wildlife and landscapes. Energy-efficient heating, solar panels, and wind turbines power the facility, ensuring minimal environmental impact. The render captures a twilight scene, with the glowing building standing out as a warm refuge in the endless expanse of snow and ice.