A mutated plant creature concealed within the dense jungle foliage, its form almost indistinguishable from the surrounding vegetation. It consists entirely of thick, tangled vines that creep and twist

an alien creature is crawling through a forest

Andrzej Cwalinski
Gerador de Imagens IA v1
Estilo: Arte Conceitual-Fantasia 20
Cena: Crepúsculo,Selva
Prompt Negativo: humanoid shape, head, arms, legs
Proporção: 1:1
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an alien creature is crawling through a forest

Andrzej Cwalinski
Gerador de Imagens IA v1
Estilo: Arte Conceitual-Fantasia 20
Cena: Crepúsculo,Selva
Prompt Negativo: humanoid shape, head, arms, legs
Proporção: 1:1
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