A modern two-story house within a minimalist & contemporary design,with garage on ground floor, aluminum garage door, flat roof, The front yard has a small landscaped area ,marble stone decoration,岩板外墙,仿古砖,哑光砖外墙,瓷砖装饰, Australian house ,a sunny day, concrete driveway,cladding feature ,外墙撞色,marble tile feature wall,timber entrance door,白色,米色,高级灰,铝合金格栅,photoreality,文化石装饰,4k摄影,平顶,concrete flat roof,水泥屋顶,铝塑板,高清,蓝天白云
A modern two-story house within a minimalist & contemporary design,with garage on ground floor, aluminum garage door, flat roof, The front yard has a small landscaped area ,marble stone decoration,岩板外墙,仿古砖,哑光砖外墙,瓷砖装饰, Australian house ,a sunny day, concrete driveway,cladding feature ,外墙撞色,marble tile feature wall,timber entrance door,白色,米色,高级灰,铝合金格栅,photoreality,文化石装饰,4k摄影,平顶,concrete flat roof,水泥屋顶,铝塑板,高清,蓝天白云