Against the backdrop of a futuristic city, the protagonist stands in the center, with an air of mystery about him. The protagonist wears an outfit of innovative design, and futuristic technology and glowing city lights are scattered around him. The title of the film appears at the top in a large, vibrant font, with the tagline and the names of the actors below it. The overall color palette is crisp and energetic.
The three agents are posed like in the Matrix.
Against the backdrop of a futuristic city, the protagonist stands in the center, with an air of mystery about him. The protagonist wears an outfit of innovative design, and futuristic technology and glowing city lights are scattered around him. The title of the film appears at the top in a large, vibrant font, with the tagline and the names of the actors below it. The overall color palette is crisp and energetic.
The three agents are posed like in the Matrix.