"Chine, Province du Fujian, village de Hekeng, maison forteresse en terre et en bois où logent les membres d'une meme famille de l'ethnie Hakka, inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco // China, Fujian province, Hekeng village, Tulou mud house. well known as the Hakka Tulou region, in Fujian. In 2008, UNESCO granted the Tulou ""Apartments"" World Heritage Status, siting the buildings as exceptional examples of a building tradition and function exemplifying a particular type of communal living and defensive organization. The Fujian Tulou is ""the most extraordinary type of Chinese rural dwellings"" of the Hakka minority group and other people in the mountainous areas in southwestern Fujian."
"Chine, Province du Fujian, village de Hekeng, maison forteresse en terre et en bois où logent les membres d'une meme famille de l'ethnie Hakka, inscrit au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco // China, Fujian province, Hekeng village, Tulou mud house. well known as the Hakka Tulou region, in Fujian. In 2008, UNESCO granted the Tulou ""Apartments"" World Heritage Status, siting the buildings as exceptional examples of a building tradition and function exemplifying a particular type of communal living and defensive organization. The Fujian Tulou is ""the most extraordinary type of Chinese rural dwellings"" of the Hakka minority group and other people in the mountainous areas in southwestern Fujian."