The Mamane (Sophora Chrysophylla) is a native tree that is currently threatened, but reforestation efforts are being made to restore forests to its former glory. This mamane, growing on the slopes of Mauna Kea, is more than a hundred years old but only about eight feet tall. It has withstood the harsh conditions of Mauna Kea's subalpine climate and grazing by introduced livestock. Being the main food source for the critically endangered Palila (Loxioides Bailleui), a Hawaiian honeycreeper, mamane is a vital and irreplaceable port of our native ecosystem.
The Mamane (Sophora Chrysophylla) is a native tree that is currently threatened, but reforestation efforts are being made to restore forests to its former glory. This mamane, growing on the slopes of Mauna Kea, is more than a hundred years old but only about eight feet tall. It has withstood the harsh conditions of Mauna Kea's subalpine climate and grazing by introduced livestock. Being the main food source for the critically endangered Palila (Loxioides Bailleui), a Hawaiian honeycreeper, mamane is a vital and irreplaceable port of our native ecosystem.