Yang Jian: CelestialSight SentinelSuperhero inspired by Yang Jian, also known as Erlang Shen, a powerful warrior deity in Chinese mythology known for his third eye that sees the truth. Reimagine him as a guardian of truth in a future where misinformation runs rampant. His attire melds traditional Chinese armor with advanced truth-detection designs, adorned with eye motifs. Eyes radiate with the clarity of truth. Incorporate a staff that can discern and reveal any falsehood. Colors: truth teal, clarity crimson, and sentinel silver. Capture the essence of a sentinel ensuring the purity of information.
Yang Jian: CelestialSight SentinelSuperhero inspired by Yang Jian, also known as Erlang Shen, a powerful warrior deity in Chinese mythology known for his third eye that sees the truth. Reimagine him as a guardian of truth in a future where misinformation runs rampant. His attire melds traditional Chinese armor with advanced truth-detection designs, adorned with eye motifs. Eyes radiate with the clarity of truth. Incorporate a staff that can discern and reveal any falsehood. Colors: truth teal, clarity crimson, and sentinel silver. Capture the essence of a sentinel ensuring the purity of information.