Superhero inspired by Ma Mian, the other guardian of the underworld in Chinese mythology, often depicted alongside Niu Tou. Reimagine him as an enforcer of cosmic echoes in a future where actions reverberate across galaxies. His attire melds underworld aesthetics with advanced echo-tech designs, adorned with ripple patterns. His aura pulses with the resonance of cosmic consequences. Incorporate a blade that can amplify or mute any cosmic reverberation. Colors: echo ebony, edge emerald, and enforcer eggplant. Capture the essence of an enforcer ensuring the harmony of cosmic repercussions.
Superhero inspired by Ma Mian, the other guardian of the underworld in Chinese mythology, often depicted alongside Niu Tou. Reimagine him as an enforcer of cosmic echoes in a future where actions reverberate across galaxies. His attire melds underworld aesthetics with advanced echo-tech designs, adorned with ripple patterns. His aura pulses with the resonance of cosmic consequences. Incorporate a blade that can amplify or mute any cosmic reverberation. Colors: echo ebony, edge emerald, and enforcer eggplant. Capture the essence of an enforcer ensuring the harmony of cosmic repercussions.