Superhero inspired by Shango, the Yoruba god of thunder, lightning, and fire. Reimagine him as a champion of cosmic storms in a future where thunderous power shapes the formation of new worlds. His attire fuses fiery colors with advanced storm-tech designs, adorned with lightning and double-axe motifs. His aura crackles with the raw power of creation. Incorporate an axe, charged with primordial lightning, that can cleave or ignite any celestial body. Colors: thunder tangerine, axe amber, and champion charcoal. Capture the essence of a champion wielding the primal forces that sculpt the universe.
Superhero inspired by Shango, the Yoruba god of thunder, lightning, and fire. Reimagine him as a champion of cosmic storms in a future where thunderous power shapes the formation of new worlds. His attire fuses fiery colors with advanced storm-tech designs, adorned with lightning and double-axe motifs. His aura crackles with the raw power of creation. Incorporate an axe, charged with primordial lightning, that can cleave or ignite any celestial body. Colors: thunder tangerine, axe amber, and champion charcoal. Capture the essence of a champion wielding the primal forces that sculpt the universe.