3D Anime, Eren Yeager, the conflicted protagonist of Attack on Titan, undergoes the horrifying transformation into the colossal Founding Titan. Render in a detailed style, capturing the immense size and grotesque features of the Assault Titan. Eren's human body shrinks within the Titan's nape, his face contorted in a mixture of pain and determination. Utilize dark lighting and a muted color palette to emphasize the horror and power of the transformation.
3D Anime, Eren Yeager, the conflicted protagonist of Attack on Titan, undergoes the horrifying transformation into the colossal Founding Titan. Render in a detailed style, capturing the immense size and grotesque features of the Assault Titan. Eren's human body shrinks within the Titan's nape, his face contorted in a mixture of pain and determination. Utilize dark lighting and a muted color palette to emphasize the horror and power of the transformation.