Superhero inspired by Darkwing Duck, reimagined as a comical yet skilled crime fighter. His full-body suit is a high-tech version of his classic costume, complete with gadgets like gas gun, grappling hooks, and smoke bombs. His flair for the dramatic and unpredictable tactics often catch villains off guard. Despite his ego, he's dedicated to protecting his city from evil. Colors: avenger purple, shadow black, and quack white, full body.
Superhero inspired by Darkwing Duck, reimagined as a comical yet skilled crime fighter. His full-body suit is a high-tech version of his classic costume, complete with gadgets like gas gun, grappling hooks, and smoke bombs. His flair for the dramatic and unpredictable tactics often catch villains off guard. Despite his ego, he's dedicated to protecting his city from evil. Colors: avenger purple, shadow black, and quack white, full body.