A captivating 3D render of Venom-Pokémon, sleeping peacefully on a cozy yellow blanket. The small electric mouse is smiling gently, with a hint of innocence. The overall scene has a cinematic feel, with soft lighting that highlights the details of this beloved character. The background is a dreamy, calming gradient of blues and purples, adding to the serene atmosphere., 3d render, photo, cinematic, anime
A captivating 3D render of Venom-Pokémon, sleeping peacefully on a cozy yellow blanket. The small electric mouse is smiling gently, with a hint of innocence. The overall scene has a cinematic feel, with soft lighting that highlights the details of this beloved character. The background is a dreamy, calming gradient of blues and purples, adding to the serene atmosphere., 3d render, photo, cinematic, anime