a futuristic space wizard cyborg alien, with a commanding gaze, unleashes a fierce storm against the backdrop of a misty explosion of atoms. The giant bang emits a powerful hum, and its fur is a deep, ominous green. As the light of the planet reflects off its surface, the chaos in the universe grows bigger and larger, as objects collide with the atoms in an ethereal force. The wizard's eyes glow with an otherworldly light, and he clings tightly to the nebulae, his voice deafening. This is the universe of stars, and it's a game of physics.
a futuristic space wizard cyborg alien, with a commanding gaze, unleashes a fierce storm against the backdrop of a misty explosion of atoms. The giant bang emits a powerful hum, and its fur is a deep, ominous green. As the light of the planet reflects off its surface, the chaos in the universe grows bigger and larger, as objects collide with the atoms in an ethereal force. The wizard's eyes glow with an otherworldly light, and he clings tightly to the nebulae, his voice deafening. This is the universe of stars, and it's a game of physics.