In the heart of Palm Beach, a cozy living room serves as the perfect backdrop for a delightful portrait. The exterior wall of the house is a vibrant white, while the facade is a stunning blend of white and black. The frame size is reclaimed, telling a story of a quiet, aquatic paradise. The glass frames and railing colors - a simple white border, accentuate every corner, are the perfect slop of white and black. In the distance, the sun sets over the waves, casting a warm, orange glow on the scene.
In the heart of Palm Beach, a cozy living room serves as the perfect backdrop for a delightful portrait. The exterior wall of the house is a vibrant white, while the facade is a stunning blend of white and black. The frame size is reclaimed, telling a story of a quiet, aquatic paradise. The glass frames and railing colors - a simple white border, accentuate every corner, are the perfect slop of white and black. In the distance, the sun sets over the waves, casting a warm, orange glow on the scene.