"Create a futuristic sci-fi themed 3D animated video, featuring a sleek, silver, metallic humanoid robot, with glowing blue eyes, and intricate mechanical details, standing in front of a massive, holographic cityscape, with towering skyscrapers, neon lights, and flying cars zooming by, set against a dark, starry night sky, with subtle lens flares, and soft, pulsing lighting effects, using cinematic camera angles, slow motion, and dynamic composition, showcasing advanced AI technology, in a futuristic laboratory setting, with rows of computer screens, wires, and machinery, surrounded by a team of diverse, young scientists, wearing lab coats, goggles, and headsets, interacting with the robot, using hand gestures, and tablets, with a subtle, futuristic ambient soundtrack."
"Create a futuristic sci-fi themed 3D animated video, featuring a sleek, silver, metallic humanoid robot, with glowing blue eyes, and intricate mechanical details, standing in front of a massive, holographic cityscape, with towering skyscrapers, neon lights, and flying cars zooming by, set against a dark, starry night sky, with subtle lens flares, and soft, pulsing lighting effects, using cinematic camera angles, slow motion, and dynamic composition, showcasing advanced AI technology, in a futuristic laboratory setting, with rows of computer screens, wires, and machinery, surrounded by a team of diverse, young scientists, wearing lab coats, goggles, and headsets, interacting with the robot, using hand gestures, and tablets, with a subtle, futuristic ambient soundtrack."