In the heart of a dense forest, surrounded by tall trees and swaying plants, a small house nestles in the branches of a majestic wooden house. The house is adorned with vibrant greenery, surrounded by a maze of brightly colored windows. Detailed windows reveal lush greenery, and the roof stands tall as a stark contrast against the rugged greenery that surrounds it. People gather around the house, The warmth of sunlight streams through the leaves, casting a warm glow on the scene. Gray structure, metal roof gray, Shed roofs, warm lights from inside the house
In the heart of a dense forest, surrounded by tall trees and swaying plants, a small house nestles in the branches of a majestic wooden house. The house is adorned with vibrant greenery, surrounded by a maze of brightly colored windows. Detailed windows reveal lush greenery, and the roof stands tall as a stark contrast against the rugged greenery that surrounds it. People gather around the house, The warmth of sunlight streams through the leaves, casting a warm glow on the scene. Gray structure, metal roof gray, Shed roofs, warm lights from inside the house