In a surreal and futuristic world, a modern-day man with piercing green eyes, donning a leather-trimmed combat jacket adorned with a lush green texas belt and stylish pants wearing a neon green helmet. His muscular arms and legs carry him effortlessly over the combat gear, with a high-tech motorcycle suited to him. The background is a bustling cityscape filled with skyscrapers and neon lights, signaling the end of a stormy day as he prepares to embark on a series of high-tech battles. The man's gleaming complexion illuminates his skin, and his long, spiky fingers grip tightly onto his chest. This is an oasis of power and energy, a true work of art that brings the world to life.
In a surreal and futuristic world, a modern-day man with piercing green eyes, donning a leather-trimmed combat jacket adorned with a lush green texas belt and stylish pants wearing a neon green helmet. His muscular arms and legs carry him effortlessly over the combat gear, with a high-tech motorcycle suited to him. The background is a bustling cityscape filled with skyscrapers and neon lights, signaling the end of a stormy day as he prepares to embark on a series of high-tech battles. The man's gleaming complexion illuminates his skin, and his long, spiky fingers grip tightly onto his chest. This is an oasis of power and energy, a true work of art that brings the world to life.