The background is a gradient blend of deep purple (#CC66FF) transitioning to teal (#DDFF66) at the bottom.
Center Top: A bold white headline in a modern, easy-to-read font that reads: "[Insert Your Event Title Here]" (Replace with your own event title).
Center Middle: An image showcasing a concept relevant to your event. This could be an image of a person using a real estate app on their phone, a schematic of a smart home, or a group of people discussing technology in front of a presentation slide.
Bottom Left (in English): Event details in a clear and concise format:
Date: Sunday, July 28th (Replace with your event date)
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Replace with your event time)
Location: Falak Investment Hub (written in English)
Bottom Right (in Arabic): The same event details mirrored in Arabic.
Date: يوم الأحد الموافق الثامن والعشرون من يوليو (Sunday, July 28th) (Replace with your event date)
Time: من الساعة 7:00 مساءً حتى 9:00 مساءً (7:00 PM - 9:00 PM) (Replace with your event time)
Location: مركز استثمار الفلك (Falak Investment Hub)
Additional Touches:
Include a QR code in the bottom corner that links to a website or social media page with more information about the event.
The background is a gradient blend of deep purple (#CC66FF) transitioning to teal (#DDFF66) at the bottom.
Center Top: A bold white headline in a modern, easy-to-read font that reads: "[Insert Your Event Title Here]" (Replace with your own event title).
Center Middle: An image showcasing a concept relevant to your event. This could be an image of a person using a real estate app on their phone, a schematic of a smart home, or a group of people discussing technology in front of a presentation slide.
Bottom Left (in English): Event details in a clear and concise format:
Date: Sunday, July 28th (Replace with your event date)
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM (Replace with your event time)
Location: Falak Investment Hub (written in English)
Bottom Right (in Arabic): The same event details mirrored in Arabic.
Date: يوم الأحد الموافق الثامن والعشرون من يوليو (Sunday, July 28th) (Replace with your event date)
Time: من الساعة 7:00 مساءً حتى 9:00 مساءً (7:00 PM - 9:00 PM) (Replace with your event time)
Location: مركز استثمار الفلك (Falak Investment Hub)
Additional Touches:
Include a QR code in the bottom corner that links to a website or social media page with more information about the event.