Anime girl named Jane, with white hair and blue eyes, dressed as a bunny girl with oversized bunny ears. She is striking a pose and making a heart shape with her hands towards the camera. Jane is wearing a playful bunny costume featuring a fluffy white tail, a fitted bodice, and a stylish outfit. Her outfit includes a lemon yellow long-sleeved shirt with a white collar, a frilly beige and sapphire green plaid skirt, and small leather shoes that match her clothing. Her hair flows gracefully to complement the large bunny ears, enhancing her cute and lively appearance. The scene is vibrant and full of energy, showcasing her cheerful and playful character. Best quality, delicate, beautifully detailed, detailed skin
Anime girl named Jane, with white hair and blue eyes, dressed as a bunny girl with oversized bunny ears. She is striking a pose and making a heart shape with her hands towards the camera. Jane is wearing a playful bunny costume featuring a fluffy white tail, a fitted bodice, and a stylish outfit. Her outfit includes a lemon yellow long-sleeved shirt with a white collar, a frilly beige and sapphire green plaid skirt, and small leather shoes that match her clothing. Her hair flows gracefully to complement the large bunny ears, enhancing her cute and lively appearance. The scene is vibrant and full of energy, showcasing her cheerful and playful character. Best quality, delicate, beautifully detailed, detailed skin