"A futuristic urban scene in a middle-class or poverty-stricken residential area in Asia. The buildings show a variety of mismatched 'patches' covering their exteriors, where different materials have been used to repair and protect their concrete facades over time. These 'patches' include rusty metal sheets, plastic tarps, and salvaged materials, highlighting the fact that residents couldn't afford a full upgrade at once. Some parts of the buildings remain exposed, revealing the eroded and crumbling concrete underneath. The environment feels chaotic yet resourceful, with the makeshift repairs giving the city a unique character. The atmosphere is gritty and dystopian, inspired by a war-torn, cyberpunk aesthetic, with strong influences from paper architect Lebbeus Woods' hand-drawn wartime cityscapes."
"A futuristic urban scene in a middle-class or poverty-stricken residential area in Asia. The buildings show a variety of mismatched 'patches' covering their exteriors, where different materials have been used to repair and protect their concrete facades over time. These 'patches' include rusty metal sheets, plastic tarps, and salvaged materials, highlighting the fact that residents couldn't afford a full upgrade at once. Some parts of the buildings remain exposed, revealing the eroded and crumbling concrete underneath. The environment feels chaotic yet resourceful, with the makeshift repairs giving the city a unique character. The atmosphere is gritty and dystopian, inspired by a war-torn, cyberpunk aesthetic, with strong influences from paper architect Lebbeus Woods' hand-drawn wartime cityscapes."