In vibrant shades of orange and red, the intricate carvings of the ancient Baharestan School stand tall, each one adorned with intricate carvings and carved with delicate designs. Inside the school, a group of students dressed in soft green uniforms conduct a lively reading session in the midst of the gardens, while a young boy with short tails and a wide grins sits on a nearby bench, reading a book with a microphone in hand. The sun shines brightly in the sky, casting a warm glow over the campus.
In vibrant shades of orange and red, the intricate carvings of the ancient Baharestan School stand tall, each one adorned with intricate carvings and carved with delicate designs. Inside the school, a group of students dressed in soft green uniforms conduct a lively reading session in the midst of the gardens, while a young boy with short tails and a wide grins sits on a nearby bench, reading a book with a microphone in hand. The sun shines brightly in the sky, casting a warm glow over the campus.