In a remote village, surrounded by a dense and shadowy forest, one Halloween night marks the beginning of an ancient ritual. The villagers, with blank stares and incomprehensible whispers, are drawn into the heart of the forest, where gnarled trees with razor-sharp branches drip red sap, reminiscent of blood. In the center, a clearing stained by decades of forgotten sacrifices. There, an altar made of ancient bones and candles that burned with a black flame is the meeting place for the rebirth of a macabre entity known as "What Hides Among the Shadows.
In a remote village, surrounded by a dense and shadowy forest, one Halloween night marks the beginning of an ancient ritual. The villagers, with blank stares and incomprehensible whispers, are drawn into the heart of the forest, where gnarled trees with razor-sharp branches drip red sap, reminiscent of blood. In the center, a clearing stained by decades of forgotten sacrifices. There, an altar made of ancient bones and candles that burned with a black flame is the meeting place for the rebirth of a macabre entity known as "What Hides Among the Shadows.