In the heart of the haunting forest, an elderly mansion with twisted facades and bare walls stands still, its shadowy exterior shrouded in a soft muted fog. A fierce hooded figure emerges from the darkness, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. But the hooded figure's fur is soft and fuzzy, ready for the night ahead. But the figure's fur glimmers, casting a warm light upon the sky and the figure, as if releasing a wrathful energy upon them. As the sun sets to set, casting a warm glow upon the ground, casting a warm glow upon the figure and the figure. The scene shifts to the full moon, casting an outward-stricken glow upon the forest floor. The figure gazes intently into the distance, their eyes locked onto the ground, casting a serene and melancholic aura. As the sun sets, casting an ethereal aura around the figure, the leaves rustle in the gentle breeze. As
In the heart of the haunting forest, an elderly mansion with twisted facades and bare walls stands still, its shadowy exterior shrouded in a soft muted fog. A fierce hooded figure emerges from the darkness, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. But the hooded figure's fur is soft and fuzzy, ready for the night ahead. But the figure's fur glimmers, casting a warm light upon the sky and the figure, as if releasing a wrathful energy upon them. As the sun sets to set, casting a warm glow upon the ground, casting a warm glow upon the figure and the figure. The scene shifts to the full moon, casting an outward-stricken glow upon the forest floor. The figure gazes intently into the distance, their eyes locked onto the ground, casting a serene and melancholic aura. As the sun sets, casting an ethereal aura around the figure, the leaves rustle in the gentle breeze. As