There’s a figure I could recognize reflected on the foggy mirror, I was taught to call it me; blue eyes, highlighted blond hair but I couldn’t distinguish water drops from my tears.
And he’s standing right behind me, dressed in black with a frozen gaze that steals away my breaths, I try to inhale, “I’ll be there …” he promises and walks out the metallic door.
I smile …
But I can feel the heat of my tears knocking sense back into me…
There’s a figure I could recognize reflected on the foggy mirror, I was taught to call it me; blue eyes, highlighted blond hair but I couldn’t distinguish water drops from my tears.
And he’s standing right behind me, dressed in black with a frozen gaze that steals away my breaths, I try to inhale, “I’ll be there …” he promises and walks out the metallic door.
I smile …
But I can feel the heat of my tears knocking sense back into me…