"Create a short, loopable video of red roses with water droplets on the petals. The video should start with a close-up of the roses, focusing on the details of the petals and water droplets. Gradually, have the camera move slightly around the flowers to show different angles, as if a gentle breeze is causing the roses to sway subtly. The lighting should remain soft, with a bokeh background that enhances the vibrant red of the roses. Water droplets can gently shimmer or move slightly to add a realistic touch."
"Create a short, loopable video of red roses with water droplets on the petals. The video should start with a close-up of the roses, focusing on the details of the petals and water droplets. Gradually, have the camera move slightly around the flowers to show different angles, as if a gentle breeze is causing the roses to sway subtly. The lighting should remain soft, with a bokeh background that enhances the vibrant red of the roses. Water droplets can gently shimmer or move slightly to add a realistic touch."