Генератор изображений на основе ИИ
Autumn landscape. You see a large lake with many plants around it, you can see the mountains on the horizon. The plants have dry leaves, in the foreground you can see a rustic house with a sloping roof with a chimney from which smoke comes out. it is the sunset and the soe of seeing behind the mountains. You see many leaves on the ground. Near the house there is a dog sitting, a blue merle Australian Shepherd, looking at the viewer. there are no people, there are no cars. The house has a landing place for boats, in the distance you can see a wooden boat on the lake.
In the sky you see a starling of birds flying in formation
Иллюстрация-Реалистическая Фантазия 02
Выставочные Зоны Шоурума,Домашний Офис,Жилой дом
Сверхдлиннофокусный широкоугольный объектив
Высокоключевое освещение