A surreal scene unfolds before your eyes, the outline of a Neo-Benefitological masterpiece. Swirling patterns of emerald scales dance against the backdrop of a deserted city. The sky is a deep orange, with shimmering shades of orange and red dominating the scene. The words "Neon-Ultadomalismo" are written in bold, flowing letters against a backdrop of cacti and sculpture. A figure sits on a pedestal in the middle of the painting, his eyes scanning the sky with a peaceful, intellectual expression.
A surreal scene unfolds before your eyes, the outline of a Neo-Benefitological masterpiece. Swirling patterns of emerald scales dance against the backdrop of a deserted city. The sky is a deep orange, with shimmering shades of orange and red dominating the scene. The words "Neon-Ultadomalismo" are written in bold, flowing letters against a backdrop of cacti and sculpture. A figure sits on a pedestal in the middle of the painting, his eyes scanning the sky with a peaceful, intellectual expression.