An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, featuring a petite high school girl with a slender and delicate figure, embodying a mysterious and enigmatic presence. Her long black hair, streaked subtly with brown, falls in a slightly unkempt and natural style, adding a touch of quiet charm. Her deep black eyes are emotionless and piercing, exuding an air of intrigue and detachment. She has a calm, ghostly expression and wears a minimalistic yet elegant dark-themed academy uniform with subtle gothic details. The background is a dimly lit school corridor, with an ethereal atmosphere created by soft moonlight filtering through tall arched windows, casting shadows on polished wooden floors and walls.
An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, featuring a petite high school girl with a slender and delicate figure, embodying a mysterious and enigmatic presence. Her long black hair, streaked subtly with brown, falls in a slightly unkempt and natural style, adding a touch of quiet charm. Her deep black eyes are emotionless and piercing, exuding an air of intrigue and detachment. She has a calm, ghostly expression and wears a minimalistic yet elegant dark-themed academy uniform with subtle gothic details. The background is a dimly lit school corridor, with an ethereal atmosphere created by soft moonlight filtering through tall arched windows, casting shadows on polished wooden floors and walls.