Uncle Scrooge McDuck is a wealthy duck character created by Carl Barks, first appearing in 1947 in Christmas on Bear Mountain. Born in Scotland, he began his pursuit of wealth from a young age after finding a gold coin. Known for his greed and entrepreneurial spirit, Uncle Scrooge is the richest duck in the world, though his stories often reveal that, despite his obsession with money, he has a big heart. He is an elderly duck with white feathers, always dressed in a red vest, glasses, and a top hat. He has a complex but affectionate relationship with his nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie, as well as other characters like Donald Duck and Webby Vanderquack. Uncle Scrooge is the protagonist of various adventures, often seeking treasures and thrilling escapades, frequently facing villains such as Professor Pardal. His life is marked by lessons on the importance of family, friendship, and the true value of happiness. He is an iconic character in the Disney universe, known for his mansion full of money, particularly the famous scene where he swims in a pool of gold coins.
Uncle Scrooge McDuck is a wealthy duck character created by Carl Barks, first appearing in 1947 in Christmas on Bear Mountain. Born in Scotland, he began his pursuit of wealth from a young age after finding a gold coin. Known for his greed and entrepreneurial spirit, Uncle Scrooge is the richest duck in the world, though his stories often reveal that, despite his obsession with money, he has a big heart. He is an elderly duck with white feathers, always dressed in a red vest, glasses, and a top hat. He has a complex but affectionate relationship with his nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie, as well as other characters like Donald Duck and Webby Vanderquack. Uncle Scrooge is the protagonist of various adventures, often seeking treasures and thrilling escapades, frequently facing villains such as Professor Pardal. His life is marked by lessons on the importance of family, friendship, and the true value of happiness. He is an iconic character in the Disney universe, known for his mansion full of money, particularly the famous scene where he swims in a pool of gold coins.