Create an anime-style illustration inspired by Kyoto Animation, showcasing a stunning woman in her mid-20s with a tall, slender yet curvaceous figure, exuding an aura of malevolence. She has short, vibrant pink hair styled in a bob, with a single long strand falling across her face, partially covering her nose for a mysterious allure. Her sharp, piercing eyes and devilish smirk hint at a cunning and dangerous personality.
She is dressed in an elegant, fantasy-themed school uniform with detailed embellishments, blending rich, dark tones with magical insignias and a cape that flows dramatically behind her. The backdrop is a grand, fantastical school with towering spires, glowing runes, and enchanted floating lights, enveloped in a mystical twilight. The overall color palette combines deep purples, blues, and pink hues, maintaining a distinctly anime-inspired tone. Rendered in 8K resolution, the scene captures every fine detail, from her mischievous expression to the intricate textures of her outfit and the enchanting environment
Create an anime-style illustration inspired by Kyoto Animation, showcasing a stunning woman in her mid-20s with a tall, slender yet curvaceous figure, exuding an aura of malevolence. She has short, vibrant pink hair styled in a bob, with a single long strand falling across her face, partially covering her nose for a mysterious allure. Her sharp, piercing eyes and devilish smirk hint at a cunning and dangerous personality.
She is dressed in an elegant, fantasy-themed school uniform with detailed embellishments, blending rich, dark tones with magical insignias and a cape that flows dramatically behind her. The backdrop is a grand, fantastical school with towering spires, glowing runes, and enchanted floating lights, enveloped in a mystical twilight. The overall color palette combines deep purples, blues, and pink hues, maintaining a distinctly anime-inspired tone. Rendered in 8K resolution, the scene captures every fine detail, from her mischievous expression to the intricate textures of her outfit and the enchanting environment