Create an image of a man standing alone in complete darkness, illuminated only by a faint, eerie glow from a distant streetlight. His silhouette is sharp against the shadowy background, and the atmosphere is mysterious and haunting. The surroundings are vague and undefined, emphasizing the isolation and tension in the scene
Вид сбоку,Длинный выстрел,Средний длинный кадр,Широкоугольный вид,Крупный план,Фотография полного роста,Панорама,Вид снизу,Вид С Воздуха,Вид сверху
Create an image of a man standing alone in complete darkness, illuminated only by a faint, eerie glow from a distant streetlight. His silhouette is sharp against the shadowy background, and the atmosphere is mysterious and haunting. The surroundings are vague and undefined, emphasizing the isolation and tension in the scene
Вид сбоку,Длинный выстрел,Средний длинный кадр,Широкоугольный вид,Крупный план,Фотография полного роста,Панорама,Вид снизу,Вид С Воздуха,Вид сверху