A close up view of the back of a black and red robotic image of a humanoid man with large, flat eyes. His long, black orange fur is spread throughout his body, and his feet are visible throughout. The muscles on his head are heavily molded into the body as if it is going about for a quick turn. The cat has a little green whirlpool with a tuft of tiny hair in between with one leg. All his feet are dark purple. The skin looks soft with long, long, hair sticking up, and a large, bright yellow eye. Over a pink colored hair that is very short with pointed tips around its ear and down onto the surface. The outlines of his ears are spiky and have a pointy, almost smiling color. The figures are placed on a flat, flat gray surface. The pattern becomes infinite in length, a little bit much deeper. The drawing is done in a flat, dark brown square.
A close up view of the back of a black and red robotic image of a humanoid man with large, flat eyes. His long, black orange fur is spread throughout his body, and his feet are visible throughout. The muscles on his head are heavily molded into the body as if it is going about for a quick turn. The cat has a little green whirlpool with a tuft of tiny hair in between with one leg. All his feet are dark purple. The skin looks soft with long, long, hair sticking up, and a large, bright yellow eye. Over a pink colored hair that is very short with pointed tips around its ear and down onto the surface. The outlines of his ears are spiky and have a pointy, almost smiling color. The figures are placed on a flat, flat gray surface. The pattern becomes infinite in length, a little bit much deeper. The drawing is done in a flat, dark brown square.