<a gi-track='captionPersonalityLinkClicked' href=/galleries/search?phrase=Chella+Choi&family=editorial&specificpeople=5770500 ng-click='$event.stopPropagation()'>Chella Choi</a> of South Korea holds up the trophy after winning the Marathon Classic presented by Owens Corning and O-I at Highland Meadows Golf Club on July 19, 2015 in Sylvania, Ohio.
<a gi-track='captionPersonalityLinkClicked' href=/galleries/search?phrase=Chella+Choi&family=editorial&specificpeople=5770500 ng-click='$event.stopPropagation()'>Chella Choi</a> of South Korea holds up the trophy after winning the Marathon Classic presented by Owens Corning and O-I at Highland Meadows Golf Club on July 19, 2015 in Sylvania, Ohio.