Superhero inspired by Carnivine: Channelling the essence of Carnivine, a carnivorous plant Poke mon resembling a Venus flytrap. The ensemble features deep greens and reds, mirroring its Grass type. Incorporating leafy and vine-like patterns with a jaw-inspired feature representing its large mouth. A headpiece or mask mirrors its eager eyes and toothy grin. Colors: forest green and rich red. Full body.
Superhero inspired by Carnivine: Channelling the essence of Carnivine, a carnivorous plant Poke mon resembling a Venus flytrap. The ensemble features deep greens and reds, mirroring its Grass type. Incorporating leafy and vine-like patterns with a jaw-inspired feature representing its large mouth. A headpiece or mask mirrors its eager eyes and toothy grin. Colors: forest green and rich red. Full body.