animated characters, South Park style, The Fractured but Whole, online gaming theme, exaggerated expressions, superhero costumes, vibrant colors, dynamic poses, action-packed scene, Coon and Friends, Freedom Pals, Cartman as The Coon, Kyle as The Human Kite, Kenny as Mysterion, Stan as Toolshed, Butters as Professor Chaos, playful combat, cartoonish weapons, exaggerated special effects, humorous environment, town of South Park, iconic landmarks, 2D animation aesthetic, exaggerated proportions, satirical tone, mid-day lighting, clear sky, full scene composition, digital art style, multiplayer concept.
animated characters, South Park style, The Fractured but Whole, online gaming theme, exaggerated expressions, superhero costumes, vibrant colors, dynamic poses, action-packed scene, Coon and Friends, Freedom Pals, Cartman as The Coon, Kyle as The Human Kite, Kenny as Mysterion, Stan as Toolshed, Butters as Professor Chaos, playful combat, cartoonish weapons, exaggerated special effects, humorous environment, town of South Park, iconic landmarks, 2D animation aesthetic, exaggerated proportions, satirical tone, mid-day lighting, clear sky, full scene composition, digital art style, multiplayer concept.