Supervillain inspired by Scar from "The Lion King," reimagined as a cunning and ruthless tactician. His full-body suit is sleek and agile, perfect for stealth and combat in the savannah. It is equipped with retractable claws and a mane that can sense movements in the environment. His eyes glow with a sinister light, and his voice carries a hypnotic quality that can sway the weak-willed. Colors: husk, night rider black, and tom thumb green, full body.
Supervillain inspired by Scar from "The Lion King," reimagined as a cunning and ruthless tactician. His full-body suit is sleek and agile, perfect for stealth and combat in the savannah. It is equipped with retractable claws and a mane that can sense movements in the environment. His eyes glow with a sinister light, and his voice carries a hypnotic quality that can sway the weak-willed. Colors: husk, night rider black, and tom thumb green, full body.