A superhero named Lightning Reflex, featuring a dynamic costume with a base color of silver for the main costume, giving him a streamlined, aerodynamic look. Lemon yellow lightning bolt patterns across the costume highlight his electrical powers and enhance his visual effect. The superhero has an athletic build and an intense expression, showcasing his super speed and electricity manipulation powers with visual effects of electric bolts emanating from him. He stands in an urban environment at night, under a stormy sky, enhancing the dramatic and energetic theme.
A superhero named Lightning Reflex, featuring a dynamic costume with a base color of silver for the main costume, giving him a streamlined, aerodynamic look. Lemon yellow lightning bolt patterns across the costume highlight his electrical powers and enhance his visual effect. The superhero has an athletic build and an intense expression, showcasing his super speed and electricity manipulation powers with visual effects of electric bolts emanating from him. He stands in an urban environment at night, under a stormy sky, enhancing the dramatic and energetic theme.