A whimsical, cinematic photo of a hybrid superhero, combining elements of Spiderman and Reverse Flash from the DC Universe. The character has a cute, horrified expression, with oversized, puppy-like eyes. Made entirely of gummy material, the superhero is in a state of high speed, with limbs stretched out and a trail of gummy residue behind them. The overall atmosphere of the photo is lighthearted and adorable, with a touch of comic-book-inspired horror.
A whimsical, cinematic photo of a hybrid superhero, combining elements of Spiderman and Reverse Flash from the DC Universe. The character has a cute, horrified expression, with oversized, puppy-like eyes. Made entirely of gummy material, the superhero is in a state of high speed, with limbs stretched out and a trail of gummy residue behind them. The overall atmosphere of the photo is lighthearted and adorable, with a touch of comic-book-inspired horror.